It’s important to me to “set the tone” of who I am in this world. Yes, even in this world where people create quick ideas/assumptions from my physical appearance, clothing and speedy interactions.
Some of my journaling sessions are dedicated to reeling myself in– to assess who I am at the time– and even who I WANT to be in the future. To me, this exercise of defining my present self is a reminder of who I need to be to get to where I’m going. I find that this is helpful because it’s another reminder that I am unique and no one’s list will be the same as mine. It is a special and quick exercise that opens my heart and I get to dive into my core. (On the other hand, this helps me with my vocabulary– learning new words, refreshing myself on definitions)
Take as much time as you may need, but I encourage you to rapid-fire some adjectives (or phrases) onto the page that best describes you right now. Are these traits that you want to take into your next phase? Are these traits that represent you at your solid core? Think about it… take a second…. and GO:
I shared mine below.
My 6 words:
- dedicated
- captivating
- witty
- quick tempered (workin’ on this)
- curious
- amicable/ relatable
Now after I have created the list, I then go to the dictionary to see if it actually "fits" me. (Definitions are from Oxford Languages)
- dedicated: devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or integrity.
- captivating: capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.
- witty: showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor.
- quick tempered: easily made angry.
- curious: eager to know or learn something.
- amicable/relatable: (of relations between people) having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor / enabling a person to feel that they can relate to someone or something.
*Remember we are focused on improvement, and improving requires awareness and realness. I encourage you to write even some not-so-good things that may be apart of who you are now.*

Please feel free to build on this. Wherever your thoughts wander, allow your typing fingers to put it on the page.
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